Definition of Suiseki

Suiseki” is an abbreviation of “san-sui-kei-jyo-seki“, or “landscape scene stone”. Suiseki are natural stones that suggest natural scenes or animal and human figures. The stones should not be modified and are displayed as found in nature, although in some cases the artist may make a single cut to enhance the proportions and balance of the stone. In general, weathered dark-colored stones of medium hardness are preferred, with no jagged “new” edges.The display and appreciation of natural stones was introduced to Japan from China some 1400 years ago, and was gradually adapted to Japanese taste and culture. Historically, suiseki were particularly associated with Zen Buddhism and tea ceremony, but starting in the Meiji period (1868-1912) appreciation of suiseki spread to a broader populace. Suiseki are now admired and collected around the world.

Suiseki are traditionally displayed either in carved wooden bases (daiza) or in shallow ceramic or metal trays (suiban).

In his suiseki art, Mas creates sculpture by combining traditional Japanese suiseki with contemporary art.

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